Busy Bee

Monday 23 February 2015

Sometimes its good to be busy. Other times, not so much. Have you ever felt so busy that you just didn't know where to start? 

Lately I've been feeling like I need to take a step back to just relax. Work seems to be getting busier and busier, and sometimes the pressure is so much that it just gets a little overwhelming. And then when I get home, I have so many plans for myself, and so many things I want to get done, that sometimes I forget to leave time to enjoy the things that really matter. 

Work will come and go, and it's too easy to think that having a career is the most important thing in life. So from now on, I'm going to make sure I leave a little time for myself everyday. Time to enjoy the sunshine, to travel, to read and to write, and to take pretty pictures. To bake those cupcakes that I've been dying to bake, and take my puppy for a walk. To spend time with family and friends, and to go on all those bush walks I keep postponing. 

And so, I have officially banned myself from being too busy! And I think you should too!

Love from,

Emma Lou

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